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Download Yong-Hua Song - Modern Power Systems Analysis in DJV, PDF


"Modern Power Systems Analysis provides new theories, models, and algorithms for the analysis of electrical power systems. It features recent developments in this area such as power flow analysis in a market environtment, calculation of AC/DC interconnected systems, control and calculation for FACTS devices, and stochastic security analysis. This work serves as a useful reference for the professional engineer and researcher involved in the operation and control of electrical power systems."--BOOK JACKET., The capability of effectively analyzing complex systems is fundamental to the operation, management and planning of power systems. This book offers broad coverage of essential power system concepts and features a complete and in-depth account of all the latest developments, including Power Flow Analysis in Market Environment; Power Flow Calculation of AC/DC Interconnected Systems and Power Flow Control and Calculation for Systems Having FACTS Devices and recent results in system stability., The complexity of the nature of modern power systems is largely due to the growing size of the system through interconnection, which is the use of advanced technologies and the worldwide tendency of industry restructuring. The capability to effectively analyze such complex systems is fundamental to any activities in the operation, management and planning of power systems. This book not only offers a broad coverage of essential power system concepts but also features a complete and in-depth account of all the major latest developments, which include Power Flow Analysis in Market Environment; Power Flow Calculation of AC/DC Interconnected Systems and Power Flow Control and Calculation for Systems Having FACTS Devices and recent results in system stability., Thepowerindustry, acapitalandtechnologyintensiveindustry, isabasicnational infrastructure. Itssecurity, reliability, andeconomyhaveenormousandfar-reaching effectsonanationaleconomy. Anelectricalpowersystemisatypicallarge-scale system. Questionssuchashowtore'ectaccuratelythecharacteristicsofmodern electricalpowersystems, howtoanalyzeeffectivelytheiroperatingfeatures, andhow toimprovefurthertheoperatingperformancearealwaysattheforefrontofelectrical powersystemsresearch. Electricalpowersystemanalysisisusedasthebasicandfundamentalmeasureto study planning and operating problems. In the last century, electrical power researchershaveundertakenagreatdealofinvestigationanddevelopmentinthis area, havemadegreatprogressintheoreticalanalysisandnumericalcalculation, andhavewrittenexcellentmonographsandtextbooks. Overthelast20years, thechangesinelectricalpowersystemsandotherrelevant technologieshavehadaprofoundin'uenceonthetechniquesandmethodologiesof electricalpowersystemanalysis. First, the development of digital computer technology has signi'cantly - provedtheperformanceofhardwareandsoftware. Now, wecaneasilydealwith load'owissueswithovertenthousandnodes. Optimalload'owandstaticsecurity analysis, whichwereonceconsideredhardproblems, haveattainedonlinepractical applications. Second, theapplicationsofHVDCandAC'exibletransmissiontechnologies (FACTS)haveaddednewcontrolmeasurestoelectricalpowersystems, andhave increasedpowertransmissioncapacity, enhancedcontrolcapability, andimproved operatingcharacteristics. However, thesetechnologiesbringnewchallengesinto theareaofelectricalpowersystemanalysis. Wemustbuildcorrespondingmat- matical models for these new devices and develop algorithms for static and dynamicanalysisofelectricalpowersystemsincludingthesedevices. Inaddition, therapiddevelopmentofcommunicationtechnologyhasenabled onlinemonitoringofelectricalpowersystems. Therefore, thedemandforonline softwareforelectricalpowersystemanalysisbecomesmoreandmorepressing. Furthermore, worldwide power industry restructuring and deregulation has separatedtheformerverticallyintegratedsystemintovariousparts, andtheonce v vi Preface uni'edproblemofpowersystemdispatchingisnowconductedviacomplicated bilateral contracts and spot markets. New issues such as transmission ancillary serviceandtransmissioncongestionhaveemerged. Inrecentyears, severalpowerblackoutshavetakenplaceworldwide, especially the 8. 13 blackoutontheeasterngridofUSAandCanadaandtheblackoutsthat occurredsuccessivelyinothercountrieshaveattractedagreatdealofattention. Alloftheseaspectsrequirenewtheories, models, andalgorithmsforelectrical powersystemanalysis. Itiswithinsuchanenvironmentthatthisbookhasbeen developed. Thebookiswrittenasatextbookforseniorstudentsandpostgraduates aswellasareferencebookforpowersystemresearchers. Weacknowledgethesupportfromvariousresearchfundingorganizations, their colleagues, andstudents, especially, thespecialfundsforMajorStateBasic- searchProjectsofChina ResearchonPowerSystemReliabilityunderDeregulated EnvironmentofPowerMarket (2004CB217905). Weexpressourspecialgratitude to Professor Wan-Liang Fang and Professor Zheng-Chun Du for providing the originalmaterialsofChaps. 5and6, and7and8, respectively. Wealsoexpress oursinceregratitudetothefollowingcolleaguesfortheircontributionstovarious chaptersofthebook: ProfessorZhao-HongBieforChaps. 1and3;ProfessorXiu-Li WangforChaps. 2and4;Dr. Ze-ChunHuforChap. 3;Dr. Xiao-YingDingfor Chap. 4;Dr. LinDuanforChaps. 5and6;ProfessorDe-ChiangGangforChap. 7; andProfessorHai-FengWangforChaps. 6and8. Xi an, China Xi-FanWang Liverpool, UK YonghunaSong London, UK MalcolmIrving Contents 1 MathematicalModelandSolutionofElectricNetwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. 2 BasicConcepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1. 2

Yong-Hua Song - Modern Power Systems Analysis ebook DOC, PDF